Monday, November 10, 2008

Thirteen Days Post Op (Mike)

Slowly but surely we are getting a routine back into our lives. Last night was better than the night before. And each day, she finds she is able to accomplish some small task that she couldn't do the previous day (we'll have her raking leaves in no time!!!). That's progress and I am very happy.

Our neighbors have been so kind and thoughtful. John and Mary Ann brought us the absolute best homemade chicken noodle soup ever! In fact, Diana had some for breakfast this morning. Roger and Marion brought us a roast chicken on Friday when we returned from the hospital. We are so touched by the thoughfulness of our wonderful neighbors. Homemade cooking beats hospital fare and tv dinners and my feeble attempts in the kitchen every time!

Diana is very weak so if she hasn't returned your call, she will in time. Even talking on the phone plays her out. We both appreciate the many cards and letters she has received. I also want to thank the student who gave Diana that little brass bell that she uses to summon me whenever she needs something!!!

My brother Jeff is being moved to an acute rehab facility in Lancaster today where he will continue his slow recovery.

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