Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Mom made it through the surgery and is in ICU tonight. She was moderately responsive when we saw her. It was obvious that she was under a lot of medication. She squeezed our hands and looked at us. I don't think she wanted us to leave! But we could not stay with her in the ICU tonight. We'll be back first thing in the morning. I don't think she's ready for company yet but we'll be sure to post when she's more stable and back in a regular private room.

We saw Dr. Sardi briefly at the end of surgery. Sounds like they found exactly what they expected to find. Tumor/mucin was concentrated up under diaphragm. They removed her spleen and removed tumor from the liver, as well as removed a small part of the small intestine in the lower part of her abdomen. The good news is that she didn't have to have a colostomy. At least I don't think so, that's what I heard today, but it's been a heck of a day.

We also saw my Uncle Jeff who was wiggling his toes and furrowing his brow, but is otherwise unresponsive. He did not open his eyes but Dad's sisters told us that he sometimes does. We'll see what the next few days hold for him; no one knows yet.

So anyway, I don't think this is a day that any of us will forget anytime soon, except maybe Diana--she'd probably like to forget it! Things are good for now and we'll post when we see her tomorrow.

Best wishes to all!



PMPer said...

Hey Diana,
Congratulations! I hear you've done pretty well! No ostomy is icing on the cake :)
You're in good hands with Dr Sardi and you'll continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. Get out of bed and walk around as soon as you possible can. It'll make you feel alive and ready to kick @$$ in no time. But until then, spoil yourself and enjoy the drugs! :)
Positive thoughts your way
Amani (from PMPBBC)

Marsha said...

Hey Sis and family,

Glad you have this blog so we can keep up with what is going on with you. Sounds like you did good through the surgery. Hang in there, I know how tuff you are Diana! Sharon and I hope to see you soon. Hope Jeff shows some improvement today.
OX to all,