I've been so busy I haven't written for quite some time. School/work is keeping me stepping. I'm happy to report that all is going well at work though. I believe there are only 30 (or around that) work days left. Then, unlike last summer, I'm planning on a nice relaxing vacation. (Justin, don't take that personally, we loved our visit to see you last year!)
For the most part things are going well for me. I still have the occasional pain and the old ribs act up once and a while. I was just talking to a co-worker who is five years out from this same surgery and he says the pain doesn't ever go away and that there will always be discomfort. Well, there is less pain for sure, and some days I don't even notice it. Other times, it can be very bothersome. Like this week--the weather was nice and we decided to take a walk, but I got extremely winded and my ribs really hurt. That hasn't happened in quite a while, so I was disappointed, because I thought I was doing better in that department. I also notice that I have to remind myself not to eat too much. My appetite has improved and if I eat restaurant size portions I end up with a tummy ache.
My big reason for writing today is because I wanted to update the hands--my only major problem at this time. I've been to the rheumatologist, I've talked with Dr. Sardi's office, had hand massages... Nothing seems to help. I had found relief, for a bit, from manicures and the massages that accompany them. Then, about three weeks ago I went for a manicure and the next day my hands hurt like crazy. It was different than this numbness that I've been trying to describe to doctors. It hurt! I was almost in tears and was using Icy Hot at night for the pain. Also, my knucles were so swollen I could no longer get my rings on or off (still can't!).
Your first thought when something funky like this happens after an experience like mine, is that the cancer is back and that's what causing the problem. Thankfully, so far no doctors seem to think that that is the case. I made an appointment with my rheumatologist--even though the last time I saw him I said I wasn't going to go back because he just keeps saying it's carpal tunnel and I should have the carpal tunnel release (again!).
I keep saying it doesn't feel like carpal tunnel. I keep trying to explain what it does feel like and I've finally come up with this: It's NOT numbness--it's super sensitivity. For example, a washcloth feels like sandpaper. Touching something cold makes my hands feel wet. Or it sends a streaky sensation down my arm. In addition, now it hurts, my joints are stiff, I can't bend my fingers very easily and I STILL have the droppsies! So, as I explain this to the rheumatologist, he says "that sounds like hyper-knesia." He said hyper-knesia is treated (generally) with a low-dose of anti-depressant. So he prescribes Trozodone and sends me for blood work because sometimes hyper-knesia is related to diabetes and B-12 deficiency.
Trozodone has side-effects like rapid heart beat and dry mouth. Nothing major. But wouldn't you know it, I took it for two days and had heart palpitations. Then yesterday, Doc rheumatology's office calls and says I need to get more blood work. When I called to find out what for, I was told I have a B-12 deficiency. I'll have to wait a few days for the results of the new tests. So far, what I've discovered about B-12 deficiency is that it can be related to depression and neurological problems related to tingling sensations in the hands and feet.
Sources of B-12, according to The Vegetarian Society Website are:
"meat, dairy products and eggs. There has been considerable research into possible plant food sources of B12. Fermented soya products, seaweeds and algae have all been proposed as possible sources of B12. However, analysis of fermented soya products, including tempeh, miso, shoyu and tamari, found no significant B12."
Another problem could be absorption--since my diet is very healthy. That's probably possible. Either a medication, or just the surgery could have changed the way my body absorbs B-12.
At least I finally feel like I'm getting some where. It's been so frustrating. So, I'll post again when I know more.
Enjoy the wonderful spring weather (finally). It was/is so beautiful today.
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