Well, I'm home. I was discharged on Friday and drove straight back to Fayetteville. Dr. Sardi didn't think we needed to stay at Hope Lodge.
Doing OK. The ride was three hours as we did not leave Mercy until 5:00 p.m. which meant we (I should say Mike) had to drive through that awful Friday night rush-hour. He was wonderful. For me the trip was difficult. I had trouble breathing and by the time we got home I was ready to freak out. But Mike got me calmed down and I was able to get a little sleep proped up on the sofa. I still can't lay flat...
Each day seems a little better. Mike is taking excellent care of me and our cats are just so happy to have me back.
Our neighbors Roger and Marion had us a delicious chicken ready to eat. It was so good.
I have lots of people to thank and lots more to tell, but my hands are numb and it is hard to type, so more later.
Thank you to everyone who has been supporting us. It means a lot.
Diana, I am so glad to hear you are back home. (Dorothy sure knew what she was talking about when she clicked the heels of those ruby slippers!) Familiar surroundings have their own special healing powers even though there may not be any medical professionals down the hall. You continue to be a constant presence in my thoughts and my prayers. Continue to gain strength and "keep on truckin'" down the road to better health.
Mrs. Price! it's Sarah Smith from your 5th Mod U.S. studies class.
you have NO idea how much me, Kayla, Jessica, Joey & the whole class miss you! Mrs. Cruey is nothingggg like you and i highly dislike her hahaha! i hope your feeling better & come back to school soon so we can have our little party! (:
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