Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Missed a Week

I can't believe I missed a week of posting. That puts me at fourteen weeks. While I can't say that I feel normal, I do feel stronger. Good thing, because I'll be going back to work full time on 2/17. Yep, it is fast approaching. I'm happy and scared at the same time. To strengthen myself for the "long" school days which require a lot of time on your feet, I have started exercising and walking on the treadmill. Well, here's how far I've gotten on the treadmill so far: 2 laps, which equals about 1/2 mile. And I was huffing and puffing. Yes, I do have a long way to go. Yoga is better. Except for positions that require you to be flat on your stomach I am doing pretty well. Three months of inactivity have caused a lot of stiffness and soreness, Hopefully, the exercise will serve two purposes: stamina and flexibility.

I had my baseline CT scan and tumor markers taken on 1/22. I haven't heard the report yet, though I have called Dr. Sardi's office several times. No news is good news, but as you can imagine, you can really feel anxious while waiting for these results.

I will continue to update this blog periodically as events unfold, but I think a weekly post isn't necessary at this time. I think going back to work will keep me pretty busy too. If you want to contact me, I have previously posted my e-mail, but I'll put it up again: dilyloprathotmaildotcom

I am disappointed that no one tried my Winter Minestrone! I was hoping to have a future in food blogs! Well, you don't know what you are missing!

One last thing today, Carrie will be participating in a triathlon this summer. She told me that she would like to try to raise funds for PMP. I'll let her give more details, but I thought I would mention it because it is for an important cause. Not a lot of research funds go to PMP because it is so rare.

1 comment:

roamroller said...

I'm gonna try your winter minestrone!

I'll start figuring out how to do this fundraising here pretty soon. I'll probably ask anyone who's interested to pledge some amount ($1 or .5 cents or something) for every minute I beat my last year's time. Last year, I did 2:34 (this is for a sprint triathlon). This year, I hope to do about 2 hours.

I'll figure out the logistics soon. Of course anyone is welcome to donate to any charity that means something to them. Anyone interested in supporting PMP research can make a gift to one of the PMP foundations or directly to Dr. Sardi, who is researching the effects of antibiotics on the cancer, in honor of Diana or another loved one.

I'll make a real post later! Love,